Friday, February 1, 2008


Our assignment for "thing #7" is to blog about something technologically related - so I mention that I recently replaced our dying DVD player. I researched (somewhat) the latest high-def options, puzzled over the competing options of Blu-ray vs. HD, and decided instead to get a $40 plain vanilla model to last us until we upgrade at some point in the future. In theory, the competing formats will have sorted out by the time broadcast TV requires HD in 2009. We don't currently get cable or satelite and use our aging low-def TV with "rabbit ears" mostly for football (which means we can pick up the SuperBowl this Sunday, while cable-users can't), and play Netflix and library DVD's. And when we find the pot of leprechaun gold, we can but the whole wall-sized high-def TV/DVD combo deal, and never leave the house...

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