Tuesday, January 29, 2008

real-world application

Regarding that nagging feeling that what I've been doing here is fun, but not particularly applicable to my job -- I recently had a library patron ask "do you know anything about BLOGS?" Well, yes, now that you mention it...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

messing around with photos

I agree with Evil like a Hobbit that the Flikr stuff is not as interesting as BigHugeLabs, so I played around with that site for awhile. Making jigsaw puzzles is amusing if I was inclined to actually buy the finished puzzle, but for immediate gratification, I tried "Hockneyizing" a picture from Takayama, Japan.

More stuff saved on the network; I hope the IT folks don't mind.

is this spam?

This blog was down for a few days because Blogger had flagged it for potential violation of their policy against spam, which Blogger defines as "irrelevant, repetitive, or nonsensical text, along with a large number of links, usually all pointing to a single site." Well, the first part sounds about right...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

photo sharing

The exercise this time is to check out photo sharing sites, specifically Flickr. I've had an account with Smugmug for several years, since we got a digital camara and I discovered it was a lot easier to share a URL than to print off (or email) individual pictures. Since the sample SPL 2.0 picture was a picture in a Japanese coffee house, I decided to paste in a picture from our 2004 trip to Japan. Yumm!

This is actually copied from Smugmug onto the network. I haven't figured out how to link to a photo on the site yet.

Monday, January 14, 2008

day 2

I can see how blogging can absorb all your free time (an observation made by several of my colleagues). Setting up the blog itself is easy and quick - but playing with templates, colors, pictures and fonts can lead to endless tweaking. Must resist the temptation...

Saturday, January 12, 2008


First entry in the new blog - I'm doing this after everyone else is done, since I just started the new job and will be working through the SPL 2.o exercises. But even if no one else reads this, it will still be fun.